Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I recently became aware that I had been in love with a genre, a subculture if you will, but never knew it had a name or that others liked it as well. I love all things steampunk...for me it's the industrial look-full of gears, valves, tubes & cogs mixed with the Victorian age & Dr. Suess. Imagine a hot-air balloon airship driven by Chitty Chitty Bang Bang & Dr. Who.

In researching all the cool clubs, pics, etc, it occurred to me that sadly I lack steam. My steam is mixed with a messed up immune system. Half my cogs are bent & broken, & my springs are sprung. I have way too many wheels but am very deficient in screws : ). Instead of being a Model T car, I'm a Model S...sick, sad, steam-less, shitty, & screwed. & yes, I have to admit that all the hard times have made me a stronger person, but I can no longer deny I'd give up some strength for some sanity.

I've been away from blogging, posting my photographs, writing letters, etc for months now. Determining that I can't fade away into that cliched random night, I'm trying. Really really really trying to surface. My cat Zoe died in February, & while I just can't talk about it now, after her being in my life for 15 years, stateside & overseas, to say I've been depressed is the biggest freaking understatement. I've been sitting at the bottom of the ocean watching anchors, life jackets, & rafts pass by without beginning to care. The sharks that started circling looked like heaven. Needless to say there have been a few other significant events that had me in this undersea world which we will discuss some other time, as I have determined I can't let this damn disease/condition/syndrome win. I am becoming an angry bird & the green pig villains in the game stand for fibromyalgia. Damn pigs didn't take my eggs...they took my life. As I'm in pain anyway, I might as well fling myself in the catapult & tear fibro's house down. Want to join? Good ; )

Now for a new feature in my blogging adventure-

Things I'm digging right now:

*My new nephew Charlie, born May 10th.
*The band Wye Oak & their new album, Civilian. Amazing!
*New tv show on AMC, 'The Killing'. Fantastic stuff.

Things I'd like to take a shovel to...(& swing batter!)

*The music festival on the beach last weekend I had to miss. Grrr. I'm greener than green's envy I couldn't go.
*The black widow spider that bit my neurologist in the face last week! Thank God he's ok.
*All the horrific loss of life & damage from tornados this past month. : ...(

Seed me:

*Find & try a rhubarb pie. Never had it; really want to sample!
*Write AT LEAST one letter this week. Must do no excuses.
*Keep writing & posting. No more ocean bottom dwelling.


*The app featured collection Thursday's are like crack for me.
*My house rabbit, Chai bunny, is indeed a rock star.
*I would marry Netflix if it was legal. I would wear a wedding dress made entirely out of the red Netflix paper wrappers. Oh joy...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad